Dein Partner für die Unterwasserfotografie, Unterwasser-Video und Fotografie

Willkommen im Online-Shop von Ingma Pictures

In meinem Online-Shop findest Du eine Auswahl der Produkte für die Unterwasserfotografie und Unterwasser-Video die ich in meinem Verkaufssortiment habe. Ich verkaufe nur Produkte, die ich selbst verwende oder davon überzeugt bin, dass die Produkte in Qualität und Funktion sehr hochwertig sind. Aus diesem Grund findest Du in Webshop nicht eine unendliche Auswahl an denselben Produkten, sondern gezielt ausgewählte Produkte.

The latest products in the store

SEACAM - Underwater housing and equipment

As an official Swiss SEACAM dealer and partner, you can purchase all SEACAM products from Ingma Pictures. It is very important to me that you have the right equipment for your needs. I therefore recommend that you contact me for a non-binding consultation.
SEACAM products are only delivered within Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Exceptions are used SEACAM products, which you can also find in the store, which we ship worldwide.


Most MiniGear products are designed for creative underwater photography. As the exclusive MiniGear distributor for Europe, you can find the well-known MiniGear Snoot Diving Lights and other diving lights and matching accessories at Ingma Pictures.


The lens adapters from MonsterAdapter are characterized in particular by their innovative and sustainable design. The design and manufacture of the products are built to last. In addition, there is a very customer-oriented product care, which not only brings errors and improvements with regular firmware updates, but also further compatibility with additional lenses and new cameras.

Personal consultation and viewing

In addition to the online store, you can also make an appointment for a personal consultation. If you visit the Ingma Pictures headquarters in Steinen, Switzerland, you can also view and hold a selection of products in your hands.